Hotel - Motel - Shelters
- Hotel/Motel accommodations can be chosen to keep a Friend from being homeless, temporarily. Maximum is 2 nights every 6 months.
- Friends should have a reasonable and urgent need for these accommodations. The Friend cannot be on any hotel Do Not Rent (DNR) List.
- SVdP preferred hotels/motels are:
Vista Motel (formerly Bella Vista Motel) (520) 458-6737
Knight's Inn (520) 459-5035
Blue Horizon Motel (520) 458-7820
Sierra Inn (formerly Days Inn) 520-685-3417
Roadway Inn (520) 335-2198
- In general, hotel/motel accommodations can be paid with Homeless Funds. However, these funds are very limited.
- The Good Neighbor Alliance (GNA), Forgach House, or
Bisbee Homeless Shelter may also be able to provide temporary accommodations. Check Useful Phone Numbers for contact information.
- Hotels
Do not reserve hotel accommodations for Friends that are not allowed at GNA. Do not make reservations at Magnuson Hotel.
St. Vincent de Paul Monastery in Jerusalem